Greeters: Sunday Mornings
Greeters help people have a good/God experience by welcoming them to The Assembly. Greeters primarily serve outside the auditorium in the Welcome Area and should be in position 30 minutes before the service begins as the doors open. As people approach you say, “Good morning! Welcome to The Assembly.” If you’re inside the main auditorium, help people find their seats. Kindly ask people to sit in the middle. Be proactive about people who are looking for seats and take steps towards them. Be careful about focusing on friends, family members or one specific person. Your job is to make everyone feel welcome. You’ll have the opportunity to catch up with your friends at a different time. Direct parents with children to the Assembly Kids’ room or Nursery.
We ask that you stay in position for a few minutes after service begins to greet members and guests that are arriving late. Please don’t stand in the back of the auditorium but participate in the service. At the end of the service, get back in position, but wait until the closing comments and the last few seconds of the service. Don’t move during the response time or prayer. Remember to smile, knowing that excitement is contagious. If you’re having a good time, then other people will pick up on that.
Number of volunteers needed: 2-4 each Sunday. Total 10-12
Fully staffed, we will only need volunteers to take a turn once every 4-6 weeks.
Learn more about this service opportunity.
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